Professional Experience
President of the Commission for Criminal Law of the Valais Bar Association (as of 2024)
Lecturer for Valais trainee lawyers (as of 2018)
President of the Cantonal Conciliation Commission in the matter of lease law (as of 2017)
Member of a board of directors (as of 2010)
Lawyer at the Bar (as of 2010)
Alternate President of the Commission for Criminal Law of the Valais Bar Association (2019-2023)
Alternate President of the Cantonal Conciliation Commission in the matter of lease law (2013-2016)
Lawyer at the Office for the Execution of Sentences of the Canton de Vaud (2007-2009)
Lecturer in Law at the Business Training Center in Sion and Lausanne (2006-2012)
Internship at the State Chancellery of the Canton of Valais (2004)
Lecturer in Law at the Cantonal School of Art of Valais, Sierre (2003)
Clerk ad hoc, Court of Sierre (2003)
Professional Affiliations
Member of the Valais Bar Association
Member of the Swiss Federation of Lawyers
Member of the Swiss Society of Criminal Law
Member of the Young Bar and Notary of Valais
Member of the Association romande des spécialistes en droit pénal